Saturday, October 22, 2011

Two Quick Somewhat Funny Stories

So, about two weeks ago, I was in the shower, and my housemate Christina ran up the stairs, and pounded on the bathroom door.  She shouted, "Turn the shower off!  Turn off the water!"  So, I did, but as you can imagine, I was quite confused (and thankful that I hadn't put shampoo in my hair yet).  When I asked what was going on, she said that our shower was leaking down through our kitchen light fixture - what?!  Since when does that kind of thing happen?!  I mean, kitchen ceiling, okay, that's understandable - but the light fixture?  Thankfully, we were able to get ahold of Christina's minister, who called the plumber.  The next morning, the plumber came to assess the damage and fix our shower, shower seal, kitchen ceiling, and light fixture.  This was my day off, and as I sat comfortably in the dining room munching on bananas/peanut butter on toast, I heard a drill - and realized that in order to fix our plumbing issue the plumber had to drill down through our shower, through our kitchen ceiling in order to fix the seal.  It only took him a few hours, but I realized later that he never touched the light fixture... Don't worry, we haven't seen any sparks, and no one has been electrocuted in the process of turning on or off our kitchen light; however, I'm still quite perplexed as to how the water running through our light fixture just sorted itself out... (I just considered re-writing this in the form of a sonnet - The Sonnet of the Leaky Shower...maybe some other day...too complicated for midnight...)  

Last Wednesday in JAFFA (Jesus A Friend For All) Club, we were talking about the story of David and Jonathan's friendship, and how, when King Saul wanted to kill one of the boys, the other boy promised to tell his friend whether he needed to run away or whether he would be safe to come back to the city.  As a starter activity, we told the kiddos to draw a picture of them having fun with their friends.  So, two boys at my table - I think we've learned, as leaders, that it works well if one of us takes each table - drew faces on their papers.  To be clear, they each drew one face on their page - and the face was clearly making a funny face.  I asked them what these faces meant, and they joyfully explained that they have a handshake that they do...they fist bump, and then they put their faces close together, stick out their tongues, and go "ahhhhhhhh" a la Haka warrior (Humor me...  It was hilarious!  Maybe you had to be there, but our table burst out laughing.  Soon, we were all doing the handshake, and then I taught them the jellyfish and the rocket ship.  Everybody loved the rocket ship, and my little table of eight drew little rocket ships on the backs of their pieces of paper.  It was very cute.  I think we bonded... :-)

More later...